Revitalized Railway Bridge: Putting it All Together
Brownfield redevelopment doesn't necessarily have to be turning abandoned factories into lofts. Here is a fantastic example of taking unused industrial structure and making it a useful and incredibly popular piece.
The bridge is connected to now defunt railway lines (some still exist, but it's clear they are no longer used) that traveled to the Cockshutt plant and the industrial sector along Greenwich St (which I learned is the old Massey Ferguson factory). Adding this bridge is a great way to finish my collection, as it not only is a piece of fantastic industrial readaptaion but also make a physical link to my first posts. Without the building of this bridge much of the industrial sectors of Brantford would not have been able to connect with the rest of Ontario. Aditionally, this is the site plaqued as where Chief Joesph Brant forded the river. Thus, the name of the City and it's very reason for prosperity exsist within these two photos.
While taking these shots I had to wait for people to leave the bridge, as it was constantly being used by byclists, families on a walk, and an elderly man checking out the younger women. -Signs of pedestrian traffic is a definitive sign of a complete success.
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